Wednesday, April 1, 2020

puzzle 159: "connect four"

email me

as with years past, a normal puzzle for a normal day.

in other news, livestreaming continues to be fun. i think i'll stream again either friday or saturday night with some indie puzzles and such from the last week; details will go up on my twitter. i'm also setting up a puzzle power hour (date tba) where i will solve as many puzzles in one hour as fast as i can. currently working on getting usa today puzzles in puz format to facilitate this; if you can help, that'd be appreciated. also appreciated: betting on my performance and/or donating to charity based on how many i solve and how many typos i make.

also, there's a petition going around asking the new york times to diversify their puzzle editing and test-solving staff and to give constructors more input over the clues in the final product; i highly encourage you to read and sign it.