Saturday, July 27, 2019

puzzle 120: "squarefree 4"

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been busy finishing up some custom puzzles, as well as visiting friends on the east coast while i made my way to boston for boswords, so i didn't quite finish a new puzzle before today. wanted to have something new up before the sunday new york times puzzle (by yours truly) goes live, though, so here's another puzzle from the squarefree suite. this one was selected by will nediger as one of his favorite indie puzzles of may, so it was a natural choice to share; if you haven't bought it yet, the complete suite (and more info) can be bought here.

outside chance i do finish a new puzzle before boswords starts tomorrow; if so, i'll print copies and bring them along. if not, well, i'll still print puzzles and bring them along; haven't decided yet which one, but we'll see. and i'll see you, hopefully, if you're there; really looking forward to that, since i haven't been to a tournament in quite some time.